Hello Penguicon Peoples and Folks!
This is a State of the Penguicon Schedule post. Feel free to share it. Let’s talk programming, the schedule, and a tentative timeline of when it will be open.
Program Ops has set a goal of being in contact with all submitters by the end of the weekend. (Feb 25-26th.) We will also be in contact with those of you who have filled out the “I want to be on panels” form.
After we have the bulk of programming into Sched, we will publish a list of panels looking for additional panelists. This list will be published after Feb. 26th (ish).
The Writer’s Block applicants will also be hearing from team Program Ops hopefully next week. (If not sooner.)
Those of you who have completed the Room Parties form will begin to hear from us around March 1st.
Maker Market applicants – you should have been contacted already, so check your emails!!!
Barring technical difficulties, it is Team Program Ops hope that by the end of the weekend we can allow Presenters to view their schedules, and then we release the Sched by next week to the public. We greatly appreciate your patience and support as we work to schedule in this new and exciting space.
Once we’ve got the initial release of the schedule up and public, we’ll work on providing PDF Maps in advance to the community so you can begin familiarizing yourself with the new layout. We’re going to do our best to reach our goal deadlines, so bear with us as we work to fit all the pieces into this new Pengui-puzzle that is the Eagle Crest Ypsilanti hotel.
If you have questions regarding anything you submitted, please email [email protected] .
Team Program Ops:
- Lithie Dubois
- Pete Cerra